“Why should I care about which pronouns people use, why should I care about what you prefer to be called, why can’t I just assume?” Let me set the scene for you. I had been invited to speak about pronouns at a synagogue in Northern New Jersey during Pride month. We had just spent the […]

Intent vs. Impact – A Pride Reflection

I had the most incredible thing happen to me last Friday. Not only did I email with a singer/songwriter that I have loved for years, I also spoke to a kindred spirit and author who I have never heard of before that day. Here is how it happened.

Allowing for Amazement

This year, on Passover, my family will add a seashell to our seder plate. The kind you put to your ear and listen for the sound of the ocean. It is a new ritual to honor the moment we are in. This year, we want to listen more than speak. We honor that we are all holding truths, we are all in pain, we are all in our own way devastated by what is going on. 

Listening – A Passover Reflection

An Activist’s Reflection “What is the hardest thing for each of you as activists?” Ashley Flowers from Crime Junkie asked each of us panelists. On Thursday, I had the distinct honor to speak at the 68th session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, in the breakout room of “True Crime: Forced […]

Captives of Hope

I was speaking to a friend yesterday about my forthcoming book. We were discussing what quote I would like to use on the back cover. My initial thought was a quote from Mary Oliver, “What is it that you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

Listening to our song

The world feels overwhelming. I am so grateful to have friends and colleagues who are speaking in nuance and subtlety. Yet, the general noise and voices I have encountered are speaking in absolutes – right and wrong,  good and bad, oppressor and victim. It all feels like too much. 

The Trapeze