Allowing for Amazement

I had the most incredible thing happen to me last Friday. Not only did I email with a singer/songwriter that I have loved for years, I also spoke to a kindred spirit and author who I have never heard of before that day. Here is how it happened.

About a month ago, I was challenged by one of the healers I see to “allow myself to be amazed.” We were talking about how regimented my schedule usually is. I was telling her how I structure my day. I start each day in spiritual practice; sometimes I will open my calendar to review that day’s schedule, inviting ease and support for what lies ahead. 

She paused and said, “What if you just opened yourself up to be surprised during the day, to allow magic in, to be curious about what might unfold.” Since that day, my morning practice has included a moment of curiosity. I say out loud, “I wonder what might amaze me today.” 

As some of you may know, I love the music of Karen Drucker. I used to listen to her all the time when I drove a lot. Now, I listen to her as I prepare to lead rituals (weddings, baby blessings, funerals). Her songs help me ground myself, come into the present moment, and go deeper into my own spiritual practice as I prepare to hold space for these intimate ceremonies.

My forthcoming book, Mapito: Embrace Yourself, has a release date:  April 22nd, 2025! (See my website if you want to pre-order.) As we are going through the editing process, I have become more aware of some copyright laws. Did you know that if you quote one line of lyrics, for example, you must have the written permission of the songwriter before publishing? Giving credit to the author and artists is not enough.

As you can imagine, I didn’t write a book without quoting one of Karen’s songs. I mention one of my favorite songs by Karen, Gentle with Myself, in the book. I quote the line: “And I will only go as fast as the slowest part of me feels safe to go.” This line resonates with me so much..

So… I reached out to Karen, or rather to the contact on her website to ask her for permission to use that line. Karen responded herself (!) and said yes, that particular line was from her song, but that it was written by Robyn Posin. I had to get in touch with Robyn if I wanted to quote that incredible lyric. 

So… I reached out to the contact on Robyn’s website and the next thing I know, I am on the phone with a woman almost twice my age having the most soul-nourishing conversation. 

We spoke about slowing down, about being present, about the gift of following our intuition. We spoke about who we each are as humans and found ways we are similar that I would have never thought or guessed.  

The connection was deep and profound. I found out that this line is not just something she wrote in a book, but rather she wrote an entire book about it, with this line being its title. “Go only as fast as the slowest part of you feels safe to go.

She offered to mail me the book (as well as her other books!!!). I am so excited to read them.

As I went to bed on Friday night, after a busy week, I smiled remembering that I was far more than just amazed that day, I was nourished. Joy filled me as I smiled in the pleasure of deep connection.

Life can be quite difficult at times, monotonous, or overwhelming. I have noticed that when I put an emphasis on something, it shows up more in our life. For example, when I do a daily gratitude list, I find that I notice things that I am grateful for throughout the day. And now… as I begin to allow the day to amaze me, it is surprising me in wonderful ways.

What might your day bring if you allowed yourself to be amazed?

What might happen if we started each day with curiosity about the day ahead rather than thinking that we know the outcome?

What might be waiting on the other side of our assumed work and meetings?


PS: I'm pleased to share I'll be speaking at a PRIDE event on June 8th 10:00am at Congregation Beth Israel of the Palisades in Fort Lee, New Jersey. I would love to see you there.

PPS: Like what I do? One way to support my work is to pre-order my first book Mapito! Another way is to make a financial contribution. This enables me to support people of all income levels. Thank you for reading!


Intent vs. Impact - A Pride Reflection


Listening - A Passover Reflection